As a test to see how many of you actually have accessed this site, I encourage you to E-mail me with what you think the letters LEADS really mean. Although this is not a contest offering any prize, it's a barometer-type method for hopefully gaining some user response. Any further thoughts and opinions you may wish to share in your reply are also greatly appreciated. Your name will be kept in confidence; however, I would like to reprint your initials and/or town location (when given) to show someone as willing as you has taken the further step to respond! In reciprocation, I'm even happy to create a link to YOUR own (or all age favorite) website here!!!
As an added incentive to get you to leave your footprint (or should I say "finger" print), and hopefully have some fun with this still under construction site (you're actually looking at the FIRST basic attempt), try this little message scrambler that gives you insight of my vast professional background experiences. (Clue: this subject matter deals with on-air personality) You may enter your answer(s) as often as you wish. In fact, try doing one sentence or paragraph at a time - e-mail your thoughts - and I'll tell you if you're on track so far. (The correct answer, including that of LEADS meaning, will be displayed here 8-18-96). Again, sorry - no contest prizes - I'm broke :(!
lbCae AEVR - ohnreat arncomy htat nssda ofr eralonig iuado ivluas uenidotac si ewhre ym mncnisomutciao eracre nabeg. nI tcfa, I inegda thob VT nda arido xeepeincre sa na teinnr gdruni ym hhgi losohc seyar. mroF ngieb hte anm-no-het-esttre ot iodust itnwrieev ohst ot toaoblfl leifd mnmacraa nad altre rpdoercu-redicrto dna nmgreaa - ym mdeasr otok psaeh! I ahd veen fnshiide ym ductanioe ni 1974 ta TC olchso fo ngbraodacsti (ttah meti ni frdrtha TC) - evcnirevg rhtie mdipola eefbro I vene ddaugreta ghhi oocshl. veFi syaer rlaet, I swa noe fo rtehi nrosirstuct!
That's enough for now ... I look forward to your thoughts! As I've written, this is only the beginning of my intentions for an informative web development. Be sure to return soon to see its progress. If you like the scramble concept, let me know. More on my credentials will follow ;-)!
the 'smiley' button brings you to a growing list of various LOOK AROUND links!
-OR- Return to the LOOK AROUND home page.
modified for new .com URL May 25, 1998