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AAUW, Gladys 'Mike' Beloff, 203-634-3557 Ahepa, Order of - Archimedes Chapter # 126 - John Stargu, 203-235-8457 Al-Anon/Alateen, 203-634-2669 Ancient Order of Hibernians, 203-634-9565 American Cancer Society, 203-235-4439 American Indians For Development, 203-238-4009 American Legion Auxiliary Post No. 45, Louise Ellis, 203-237-6563 American Legion Post No. 45, 203-634-9876 Ancient Order of Hibernians, 203-634-9565 Ancient Order of Hibernians, Women's Divison, 203-634-9565 Antique Veterans of Meriden (World Post #1), Richard Egan, 203-634-0474 Arts and Crafts Association of Meriden, 203-235-5347 AARP, Meriden Chapter, #2954, Ray Weckworth, 203-237-3764
Bar Association, Meriden-Wallingford, Cornelius Ivers, 203-634-7569 Battered Women's Shelter, Karen Burdacki, 203-238-1501 Battle of the Bulge Veterans, Richard Egan, 203-634-0474 Big Brothers / Big Sisters of Meriden and Wallingford, 203-269-8200 Birthright of Greater Meriden, Marion Stabach, 203-237-9887 Business and Professional Women's Club, Janet Giuliano, WMS, 203-235-6606
Casa Boricua de Meriden, Magali Kupfer, 203-235-1125 Castle Craig Camera Club, Dr. Daniel Kahn, 203-630-3749 Catholic Family Services, 203-235-2507 Catholic Women, Meriden Council of, Kathleen Yanelli, 203-235-6677 Charity Club, Lois Wetmore, 203-634-1444 Child Abuse Care Line, 800-812-2283 Child Care, 203-235-7941 Child Guidance Clinic for Central CT, Eugene Luchansky, 203-235-5761 Child Support Hot Line, 800-228-5431 Child Support Information Hotline, 800-228-5437 Children of the American Revolution, Charlotte Hobson, 203-634-0554 Church Women United, Shirely Berardino, 203-237-6865 City Band Meriden, Leonard Bialick, 203-634-0210 City Mission Society, Mrs, Walter Jacobson, 203-237-6974 Civitan Club, Dennis Johnson, 203-634-9525 Clergy Association, Meriden, Rev. Robert Prescott-Ezickson, 203-235-2338 College Club of Meriden, Andrea Bradford, 203-634-3667 Community Provider Consortium, Dr. Michael Niman, 203-235-1792 Consumer Protection, Dept of, 800-842-2649 CT Baptist Homes, 203-237-1206 CT Legal Services, Inc., 203-237-7896 CT State Job Training, 203-238-6100 CT State Police, 203-238-6505 CT State Rehabilitation Services, 203-238-6250 CT State Small Claims Division, 203-238-6128 CT State Superior-Criminal Court, 203-238-6130 CT State WIC Program, 203-630-4245 CT State DCYS, 203-238-6185 Crosstown Tornadoes, Inc., Amy DeFelice, 203-639-7261 Cuno Foundation, Natalie Cheerman, 203-634-1480 Curtis Home Children's Program, 203-237-9526 Curtis Home Elderly Program, 203-237-4338
Daughters of Isabella, Silver City Circle #16, Genevieve Ryan, 203-235-8498 Delta Kappa Gamma Society, Maryallice Sundberg, 203-235-5355 Dequaine Museums and Cultural Center (Foundation), Lester Dequaine, 203-639-9778 Disabled American Veterans, Meriden-Wallingford Chapter, 235-4157
Eagles Ladies Aux, Meriden Aerie #720, 203-2235-4306 Eagles, Meriden Aerie #720, 203-235-4306 Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center of Central CT, 203-237-1448 Elks (BPOE), Meriden Lodge #35, 634-9483 Emblem Club #224, Joann Mangiaracino, 203-235-5759
Falcon Nest #63, Dan Michalak, 203-634-0506 Family Service Associationi of Central CT, 203-235-7923 Firefighters, Ladies Aux. #1148, Debra Gawel, 203-634-4202 Franciscan Life Center, 203-237-8084 Franco-American Aux, 203-634-9814 Franco-American Club of Meriden, 203-634-9968 Friends of the Meriden Public Library, 203-630-1505 Friendship Club, Justine Pitkin, 203-235-1792
Golf Club, Silver City, Margo Bowman, 203-634-1628 Grange, Meriden, Phyllis Maynes, 203-235-1298 Greater Meriden Chamber of Commerce, 203-235-7901
Hadassah, Meriden Chapter, Rita Zierler, 203-238-1236 Hall of Fame, Meriden, Victoria Navin, 203-238-2344 Handicapped, Meriden-Wallingford Society, 203-237-9975 Helping Elderly People, 203-237-0066 Heritage, Cultural and Public Celebrations Commission, 203-634-1131 Historical Society, Meriden, 203-237-5079 Hospital Alumnae Association, Mrs. Bernard Uryase, 203-237-7033 Humane Society, Inc., 203-238-3650 Huntington Past Noble Grands Association, Milicent Tomkins, 203-235-2273
InfoLine, 203-235-7974 Intermediates, Meriden, Carol Hettrick, 203-237-0196 Italian American War Veterans, Rocco Marcantonio, 203-235-8945
Jaycees, Meriden, Gerry Duclose, 203-237-7546 Jaycees, CT State, 203-238-3597
Kiwanis Club, Meriden, Ed Murphy, 203-634-1861 Kiwanis Hi-Liters, Richard Fontanella, 203-237-0279 Knights of Columbus, Columbian Ladies, Rosalind Passo, 203-639-0157 Knights of Columbus, Columbian Club, 203-238-1072 Knights of Columbus, Fr.McGivney Assembly, Keith Moore, 203-237-0762 Knights of Columbus, Silver City Council, Bill Murdy 203-238-1128 Kuhn Employment Opportunities, 203-235-2583
Labor Council, Greater Mriden, David O'Leary, 203-235-3508 Laurel Club, Constance Doughlas, 203-238-7871 Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, 203-379-0445 Lions Club, Meriden, Mike Szymaszek, 203-237-7003 Literacy Volunteers of South Central CT, 203-235-1714
Marine Corps League, Silver City Detachments, John Ribera, 203-235-9839 Maryheart Crusaders, Louise D'Angelo, 203-238-9735 Mason Club - Westwood Court #5 Royal Patron, Arthur Dupuis, 203-235-5282 Med Search, 203-238-8279 Meriden Boys and Girls Club, 203-238-8185 Meriden Community Action Agency, 203-235-0278 Meriden Federation of Musicians, Local #55 A F of M, 203-238-0321 Meriden Fellowcraft Club, James Godburn, 203-237-2729 Meriden Foundation, 203-235-4456 Meriden Girls Inc, 203-235-7146 Meriden Hispanic Foundation, Officer Hector Cardona, 203-630-6333 Meriden Housing Authority, 203-235-0157 Meriden Latin American Society, 203-237-3242 Meriden Motorcycle Club, 203-235-9669 Meriden Neighborhood Preservation, 203-630-4101 Meriden Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, 203-238-2645 Meriden Ski Club, Inc., Don Comstock, President, 203-269-4707 Meriden Symphony Orchestra, 203-238-3855 Meriden Turner Society, 203-634-9624 Meriden/Wallingford Independent Physicians, Stanley Friedman, MD, 203-235-3345 Meriden/Wallingford Medical Society, John Zesk, MD, 203-238-1908 Meriden Woman's Club, Helen Kasperovich, 203-235-8593 Meridian Lodge #77, Joseph Rochette, 203-237-9196 Miller Memorial Community, 203-237-8815 Miss Meriden Scholarship Pageant, Cathy Prahler, 203-237-8108 Missing Children's CT Hotline, 800-367-5678
NAACP, Meriden, Chapter, 203-634-3735 N.A.R.F.E, Frank Wieland, 203-235-7585 Napier Foundation, 203-237-5522 Neighborhood Associations, Roxanne Macri, 203-235-2009 North Italian Home Club, 203-235-2421
Oddfellows, Robert Howbrigg, 203-237-0367 Oddfellows Rachel Rebeka Lodge, Irma Howbrigg, 203-237-0367 Order of Eastern Star, Mizpath Cahpter, 203-634-9887
Parents Without Partners, Meriden Chapter #105, Dan Rasmussen, 203-630-0786 Planned Parenthood of CT, 203-238-0542 Poetry Society, Meriden, Lorraine Hollman, 203-630-1043 Poison Control, 800-343-2772 Police Benevolent Association (PBA), 203-238-1911 Polish JuniorLeague, Meriden Cahpter, Julia Deegan, 203-237-8588 Polish Legion of American Veterans, Post #189, 203-634-9683 P.L.A.V, 203-237-7492 Polish National Alliance (Council #56), Chester Kosinski, 203-235-3435 Polish National Alliance (St. Theresa Society), Catherine Wanat, 203-235-8455 Polish National Alliance-Knights of Blessed Virgin, 203-634-9444 Polish Organizations, Meriden Council of, Dorothy Trella, 203-237-6704 Ponsell, Rosa Foundation, Dr. Robert Dedrick, 203-235-1622 Postep, Chief Robert Kosienski, 203-238-1911 Probus Club, Michael Ash, 203-634-1883
Radio Club, Inc., Meriden Amateur, Bill Wawrzeniak, 203-269-8252 Retired Firefighters-Police and Widows Assoc, Elaine Mascagni, 203-235-5525 Rotary Club Of Meriden, Dr. Herbert Edelstein, 203-235-5563
Salvation Army Advisory Board, 203-235-6532 Secretaries, Educational, Janice Bruce, 203-630-4165 Senior Citizens Center, 203-237-0066 Sexual Assault Crisis Service, 203-235-4444 Solomon Goffe House, 203-634-9088, Bernice Shelberg, 203-237-6629 Soroptimist International Club, Nancy Darin, 203-237-6492 Stamp Club, Meriden, John Toth, 203-237-9432 St. Mary R.C. Church, Men's Club, 203-235-3012 St. Stanislaus R.C. Church Holy Name Society, Henry Kuesza, 203-237-4270 St. Stanislaus Church Sacred Heart Society, Helen Krystofolski, 203-235-5124 St. Stanislaus Church Ladies Guild, Marion Stabach, 203-237-9887 St. Vincent de Paul Society of Meriden, 203-237-4020
Teachers, Meriden Federation, Thomas Bruenn, 203-238-4587 Temple B'Nai Abraham Auxilliary, Natalie Cheerman, 203-634-1480 Tri-Town Golden K Kiwanis, Ann Schaefer, 203-237-0267
Unison Club, Joe Fuda, 203-235-7448 United Methodist Women, Shirley Rehm, 203-237-3484 United Way of Meriden and Wallingford, 203-235-4403
Vasa Order of America, 203-238-7829 Veterans Council, Meriden United, Maxwell Lee, 203-634-1757 Viet Nam Vets, Richard Couture, 203-238-8979, 203-237-7132 Visiting Nurse Association, 203-235-5714 Volunteer Initiative, Central CT, Lynn Faria, 203-238-8282
Washington Park Junior Drum Corps, Susan Smith, 203-235-1582 Westfield Care and Rehab Center, 203-238-1291 Women and Families Center (formerly YWCA), 203-235-9297
Yankee Pedlars and Bugle Corps, Richard Egan, 203-634-0474 Y.M.C.A., Meriden, 203-235-6386 Y's Men's Club, Bob Estabrook, 203-235-4246
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