The following tags depict the official basic HyperText Markup Language
you should use for scripting / creating your very own Web site pages.
This page is especially beneficial for those using AOL's proprietary browser
which unfortunately doesn't allow its members to view the source document of a
selected / visited site while surfing the Net; AOL instead makes their members
save the page as a file and then read its text later off-line! ... That is until ...
Now you will be able to
AROUND and see what a page's
script might
look like regardless of which browser you are using. Hope this helps :) Phil Viger
Give Each of Your Site's Pages A Meaningful, Descriptive, Catchy Name
<META NAME="description" Content="200 characters">
<META NAME="keywords" Content="1,000 characters - combined to 1,024">
<META NAME="author" Content="your name">
<LINK REV="MADE" HREF="mailto:emailadd">
(some other META tags you may find optionally used ...)
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" Content="10">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" Content="10; URL=http://pageaddress">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" Content="31-Dec-1999 12:00:00 GMT">
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" BACKGROUND="filename.gif" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#33FFFF" ALINK="#CCFFFF" VLINK="#009999">
<A NAME="TOP"></A>
Largest Heading (H6 is smallest) For Text Style Appearance
<!-- comment tag acts as script author notes but will not appear on screen -->
<EMBED SRC="filename.mid" width=200 height=55 autostart=true hidden=true
volume=100 loop=true></EMBED>
(automatically repetitively plays background music for Netscape browser users)
<BGSOUND SRC="filename.mid">
(automatically plays background music for Internet Explorer browser users)
<img src="/imgla/picture.gif" ALT="graphic's description" align=bottom WIDTH=88
(if above graphic not a hyperlink, eliminate the 'border=0' statement)
<A HREF="http://url.htm">text and/or graphic image between these two tags become a hyper-link(s)</A>
Netscape text font type size
this is the preferred logical tag to make text appear in bold.
most commercial editors use this physical tag to create bold text.
this is the preferred logical tag to make text appear in italic.
most commercial editors use this physical tag to create italic text.
this creates line breaks and needs no closing tag.
this creates a double line break appearance for new paragraph settings.
<HR WIDTH="30%">
this produces a horizontal bar 30% of screens width:
this Netscape feature makes words on screen.
your text appears just as YOU layed it out!
any text can be used within this tag without regards to HTML characters
each line of all text within this tag</BLOCKQUOTE>
appear indented as shown here.
<LI>The ol tag creates ordered / numbered indented lines
<LI>This would be line numbered two
<LI>The ul tag creates unordered indented lines starting with a bullet
<LI>This would be the second line starting with a bullet (dot)
this centers your text when viewed by latest popular browsers
this is the preferred tag for all browsers to center your text
(NOTE the following symbols are also interpretted as special use for HTML)< ... produces the left tag mark (less than symbol) ... < > ... produces the right tag mark (greater than symbol) ... > & ... produces the ambersand (and) symbol ... & " ... produces a quotation mark ... " © ... produces the copyright symbol ... ©
<A HREF="#TOP">return to top of page</A>
created / modified date(s)
your and/or site name
e-mail: <A HREF="mailto:address">spell out e-mail address as link here</A>
Be sure to
LK AROUND for more
- HTML / Design Tips -
So, you want to make a Web Page!
Joe Barta has developed excellent interactive authoring tutorials on
how to script HTML documents, create tables, forms and / or frames.
Best of all, they're free for your online or downloadable offline usage!
Thank You! ... for visiting
AROUND - you're always welcome.
** We can put your message on the Web **
please e-mail
or call (203) 235-0528
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updated and modified July 3, 1998