It gives me great pleasure to have this opportunity to offer you a reference
of various exciting and informative sites to
AROUND as you explore the Internet's World Wide Web and
other resource addresses.
I began compiling the following list in February 1996; it continues to grow at
a rapid pace - over 3,700 favorites by December 23 ,1997!
Furthermore, I have created separate pages each consisting of 500+ additional
new bookmarks I
discovered throughout 1998; and as special updates ...
1999 and
The page layout and
alpha / category formats are actually a direct result of
requests many have made. Since my professional background base is in
communications and marketing management with further endeavoring achievements
in real estate, education / training and public safety, you shall find the
current active links reflect a broad range of interest that are
beneficial for all ages.
Each site title, description and Net / World Wide Web URL (uniform resource
location) has been personally visited and manually entered by me ... those
high school typing (keyboarding) classes of the early seventies actually still
come in handy {;-)! If you discover any errors or broken (inactive and
changed) links during your journey,
let me know. I'm also interested in learning what sites you feel others
should conquer - including your own home page when accessible! In fact,
I extend a free
reciprocal offer to anyone who links LOOK AROUND
to their Web Site. My philosophy: just as communication is a two-way street
- what better way is there to strengthen the Web and each of our 'hit' goals?!
Please be sure to also take time to sign the LOOK AROUND
Guest Book.
Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Remember to visit
again soon - and have your friends do the same - as more
developments are sure to take place! Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the services.
Phil Viger, LOOK AROUND Web Site Creator
This site links to other Web sites created by individuals / groups
not associated with LOOK AROUND and/or Phil Viger of Connecticut.
The convenience of these links is not in any way an endorsement to the
creators, material contents or presented offerings! Although initial
screening has been conducted for accuracy and friendly usage,
no one can truly ever guarantee others' production(s).
In fact, changes on the 'Net occur on a daily basis;
such is nearly impracticable to manage as desired.
You should be familiar with the various screening programs and materials
available to safeguard one's on-line findings. Of course, if you do
discover a broken or mis-directed link (once considered family friendly
when first developed, but perhaps now under new ownership - possibly
changing subject matter that may have even become offensive), please
feel free to inform me of the situation so that it can be corrected.
Thanks, in advance, for your understanding and cooperation. Phil
- bookmarks -
(1996 and 1997)
Select by Category
soon to be organized ...
1998 Listings
1999 Listings
2000 Update
take a
Meriden, Connecticut
for more references
Thank You! ... for visiting
AROUND - you're always welcome.
** We can put your message on the Web **
please e-mail
or call (203) 235-0528
[ awards ] |:|
[ bookmarks ] |:|
[ cartoons ] |:|
[ find me ] |:|
[ guest book ]
[ link to us ] |:|
[ Meriden, Connecticut ] |:|
[ message board ]
[ mind your Ps and Qs ] |:|
[ name these tunes ] |:|
[ neighbors ]
[ search engines ] |:|
[ surprise sites ] |:|
[ swell ] |:|
[ virtual highways ]
updated and modified December 14, 2002